SAP Calculations for New Build Developments.
L1A – SAP calculations for new dwellings
In order to demonstrate compliance with Approved Document L1A you must provide your Building Control Officer with a SAP calculation for each new-dwelling.
A SAP calculation is the Government’s approved methodology for calculating the energy performance of dwellings. All new dwellings must achieve a dwelling CO2 emission rate (DER) no greater than a target CO2 emission rate (TER). The SAP calculation process is in three stages:
· Design-stage
· As-built stage
· On Construction EPC

Our experienced SAP assessors can guide you smoothly through compliance, from concept to completion. Our service includes all the support required to ensure every dwelling can achieve a pass.
Design-stage SAP calculations
Design-stage SAP calculations, showing a pass, must be provided to Building Control before you start on site.
We will assess the dwellings based on the design-specification provided. If a pass is not achieved we will suggest cost effective options to achieve a pass. For example, improvements to the heating system, increase in insulation, a higher standard of glazing, or a more air-tight construction (see air leakage testing).
Once a satisfactory specification has been agreed we shall issue design-stage SAP reports for submission to Building Control.
As-built SAP calculation
As-built SAP calculations must be provided to Building Control as part of their final sign-off procedure.
Upon completion of the construction works we will update the design-stage SAP calculations to incorporate any changes to the design, manufacturer details for all heating systems and the as-recorded air permeability rate.
We will then issue as-built SAP report and produce the On Construction Energy Performance Certificate.
To book an On Construction EPC Please call:
07792 972009